What to Look out for and the Positives of Building on Brownfield Land

Finding a plot of land to build a house on is something that is increasingly difficult in this day and age. One of the options however is to build on brownfield land. This is land that has been previously used for industrial reasons. It is much more readily available and often easier to get planning permission for it. But you should make sure that you decontaminate the land with the help of a land remediation company such as https://soilfix.co.uk/services/groundwater-soil-remediation-services before undertaking any building work on the land.

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Some of the things that can be found in the soil on brownfield land include lead, oils, asbestos and even radioactive contamination – not the ideal place for a home to be built on! So, it is important that the land is thoroughly decontaminated first!

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Despite the fact that decontaminating the land can be off-putting to some people, it is something that when done properly is a great way to obtain building plots for homes, as well as the fact that when you build on a brownfield site, because of their past they are likely to already have good transport links in place, as well as an established local community. This makes the homes built on brownfield land an attractive prospect for many prospective buyers.

It is also worth remembering the fact that obtaining planning permission to build on brownfield land can often be a lot easier and met with little or no opposition – unlike when homes are built in the countryside, which can cause a lot of upset to the current residents of the surrounding area.

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Hi, I am Rylee McGlothin; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with decor and design.

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