How to Build a Indoor Fireplace? Step by Step Simple Guideline

Many of us start to dream of chimneys which warm-up, create a hot atmosphere, help to cook. Both inside and outside the houses, the indoor fireplaces are an essential part of the homes that can afford them. Some chimneys are bought ready-made and installed, but we can also make them by ourselves, especially free ones.

An outdoor fireplace is ideal for enjoying more of the patio or the garden during the fall and winter. It provides the warmth to make a calm atmosphere more pleasant. The construction of a stone chimney not as complicated as it may seem at first glance is simple and can be done by following some basic rules. We will see how to build a indoor fireplace in a few steps.

How to build an indoor fireplace

The first thing is to choose the place where we want to place the stove, it must be away from things that can burn, from cables and pipes, in the fireplace we will make the fire, we must very know it and always avoid the risk of fire. Once the place has been chosen, we clean it and mark the area, we can paint it with chalk. For example, what the chimney will occupy, and then excavate in that area and be able to place a solid base. Taking excavation services from professionals like ADP Group Ltd would be great.

Once the excavation in the ground, which does not have to be too deep, we must build the base which can be made with cement or other resistant material, being careful that it is smooth and even in level. We will make them with bricks. Each brick should be placed next to another without leaving a space between them, using cement resistant to high temperatures to join them together. We are placing rows of bricks on the cement and more bricks, and with the same glue, we are covering the holes that may remain.

How to Build a Indoor Fireplace

There are different ways of chimneys. If we want the most convenient way, we should pay special attention to the front of the chimney. When building the walls in the front, we must leave an open space about two feet wide, depending on the size of the fireplace, that area must be covered with the material of high resistance to fire, there are individual bricks for that.

Something fundamental in the traditional chimneys is also the exit of fumes. To solve it, insert a tube in the chimney’s opening in the superior part. When placing the bricks of the walls, we narrow the cabin until reaching the upper part. The narrowest part in which we will fix the tube with cement. Once the tube is fixed, we continue placing the surrounding bricks.

Now, if we look for something simpler, we can forget the two previous steps to do something like what we see in the image of this article, a chimney of the simplest. Its advantage is that it is easier to build and is just as functional as the others, but it does not have so controlled the output of smoke, that is its drawback, here there is no front hole or tube to place, only walls with space in the center to place the wood and light the fire, on top you can place a grill if you want to cook over coals.

Once the structure is finished, it is only necessary to decorate the exterior of the chimney to the taste. It is already a matter of the imagination of each one. For example, we can place some stone around. There is then to take the firewood, to light the fire and to verify if it proceeds that the exit of smokes works well.

Measures of the chimney

To learn how to make a fireplace in the room, we must make a pattern or model. It is necessary to make a model of the chimney that has measurements and parts for operation. In this way, we will make fewer mistakes, and the chimney will have better finishing and functioning. The first measurement corresponds to the base of the chimney, remember that it must be part of the floor.

It must also be embedded in the wall where it will be prepared to fix the fireplace. Then you should measure the height you want the chimney and the shape if it is the triangular open. It can also be the closed triangular, which is one that ends with a thin line of exit.

Measure the width or depth of the chimney, important this measure, for reasons of space. Take the measurements of the chimney surplus for decoration and location of the wood. All these measures include the shape and the bottom of the chimney. It will help us create a chimney adjusted to our needs and the exact size.


Although all the parts fit together, you must create separately and then engage. You must measure the floor of the room and trace the central axis of the fireplace. With this measure, you will know the limit of the chimney’s displacement so that it does not look bad. This axis is the basis with which you will develop each part or session of the chimney.

First phase of construction of the chimney

Remember that learning how to make a fireplace in the room requires following necessary steps or data. The first thing we must do is the base earthenware, which will function as the central axis of the chimney. This earthenware must have a thickness of not less than 5 cm.

You can also use construction mesh, adequately leveled. Because it will be this tile that will balance the fireplace. After the earthenware, you must raise a table of bricks, on a base in “U.” This base can be made of bricks. The important thing is that it has space for firewood.

This base must be at least 20 cm high to place firewood for the fireplace. On that base of bricks, you will place the earthenware, remember that the crockery should be on the base. The basic crockery is important. It is embedded in the floor to fix the rest of the parts. This first part is important because it is very well done since it will be the axis of the chimney.

Walls of the chimney

Within the parts on how to build a indoor fireplace in the room is making the walls. For walls, you can use a concrete block, so it is better coupled. Consider placing asbestos between the wall and the chimney wall to isolate the temperature.

Then you will raise the walls. You must do three, two sides and the back of the fireplace. The back will be half the size of the pillars because the rest of the wall will incline. It elaborates on what will be the lintel that will also have a “U” shape. This lintel goes over the side walls. For the back wall, you must continue to build with brick but at an inclination of 35º.

This should be done, towards the front of the fireplace. This part will be the lung of the chimney. This inclination must exceed at least 15 minutes on the lintel is on the side walls. It elaborates another lintel or base in the form of “U,” also called a horseshoe, but wider than the first. That surpasses to protect the first lintel since this will be the base for the bell.

Installation of the hood

The surfaces must be smooth, especially the internal ones, with an inclination of 60º. It is on the horizontal surface that gives towards the duct. It is essential to leave a throat of at least 15 cm so that smoke can circulate.

chimney hood

Remember that the central axis must be on the lung we made, giving it an inclination to the posterior wall. You must have the mouth of the house so you can mesh there, the mouth of the fireplace. That’s why measures are essential to avoid construction errors.

For wall cladding, you will need refractory bricks style sheets, they are more practical and easy to get. I recommend coating the walls so much internal as external to build a indoor fireplace. After this, it sticks the plates. For this, you can use white cement or white paste so that the finish is of quality. Remember to use a level so that the sheet or brick is straight and looks better. Wait at least 48 hours, then enjoy learning about how to make a fireplace in the room.

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