Have you ever thought about what your clothes say about your personality? Closets, cabinets and wardrobes are more than just storage space for clothes and shoes, they can say more about someone. When you think of a wardrobe not as furniture but a collection of special items for someone, you will begin to see yours in a completely new way.
Display – Wardrobes full of personal items are like a display in a museum. Museum owners choose which parts to display, which may be arranged and catalogued like museum artifacts. Casual and work clothes are hung separately, separate winter and summer clothes for convenience and it is this organization that makes it more than just a storage area. Others are sometimes invited to see displays, teenagers, in particular, make an area of social interaction with their clothes and even share purchases with online followers.
Memories – The wardrobe is not only a place to store clothes but also a personal biography about the life and experience of the owner. Special events, unforgettable events and life changes are all represented in one’s clothing collection and mementos. Many people store clothes for the past, as reminders and souvenirs of happy events, for example. These items are stored as memories of our past. Make your clothes storage a beautiful, stylish and contemporary place to keep your beautiful memories. For stunning Fitted Wardrobes Hampshire, visit https://lamco-design.co.uk/fitted-wardrobes/
Identity – What hangs in our closet is an honest and unique representation of who we are. This is a collection that will not be replicated anywhere on earth. There will be many clothing combinations to represent our current mood, what events we attend or what work we do and that is entirely unique to us. Different clothes can make us feel like different people and what we choose to wear reflects the part we want to show off and the part we want to hide about ourselves. Every time we come back, we can choose to be someone completely different.
Wealth – Many collections that are too large are used as indicators of wealth and influence. Large disposable incomes to spend on current trends and ever-changing modes are shown in the size and cost of a wardrobe full of designer labels. Different types of clothing also represent a person’s lifestyle. A closet containing business clothing, ski equipment, ball gowns and diving equipment, for example, shows a different lifestyle and income level with a closet full of old t-shirts and jeans.
Wasteful – Many wardrobes are also evidence of poor shopping choices, full of clothes still with shop labels still hanging on them and never used. Parting with them it will be a confirmation of our waste, so many choose to keep their closet full of clothes they won’t wear. Keeping it indefinitely, we hope that one day we will use it, and it will be a valuable investment.