Heating a room with high ceilings is difficult, as many factors must be taken into account, such as the size of the environment. Especially if the house in question has a high ceiling, economic and energy waste could be incurred, considering the greater space to be heated. So you have to be very careful about the choice you are going to make. Here, then, is how do you heat a large room with high ceilings.
How do you heat a large room with high ceilings?
You will need for heating a room with high ceilings:
- Fireplace
- Radiators
- Underfloor heating systems
- Plasterboard panels
- Insulating coats
- Thermal insulating materials
The fireplace
The fireplace represents the most common means of heating, which certainly creates an environment with a warm and intimate atmosphere. A period house with high roofs could be the optimal choice from an aesthetic point of view. Unfortunately, it is not so from a functional point of view. The heat emanating from the fire of the fireplace is unable to propagate sufficiently in an environment. To warm up, you need to be close to it and consequently, it is the least effective choice, both economically and considering the general yield. Read now: How to Fix Yellow Drips on Walls and Ceilings?
The radiators
While the radiators instead base the heating effect on convective motions. Therefore the hot air, which tends to go upwards, is then replaced by other hot air. It happens that the previous one tends to go downwards. And so, an ideal temperature is created in the center of the room. Unfortunately, if the area to be covered is large, it takes a long time to ensure an adequate temperature.
Underfloor heating
On the other hand, the underfloor heating system is more current and is gaining more and more support. Since, in this case, the propagation of heat occurs by radiation; therefore, a constant high temperature is created throughout the environment. Furthermore, there is an excellent quality/price ratio, which makes this option the most accredited. You can warm up completely, avoiding the unpleasant effect that occurs through the radiators, which emit heat only towards certain areas of the body.
The lowering of the ceiling
Therefore, the most efficient system is certainly underfloor heating. But, if you don’t have a huge budget, you could always lower your high ceiling. A quick and economical solution could be the covering of the roof with plasterboard. In this way, you will avoid upsetting the house with structural changes. By simply reducing the space to be heated, not only can you save money but also ensure an environment that is always warm and pleasant. The benefits of this economic investment will certainly not be long in coming.
Thermal insulation
To heat a house with high ceilings, where heat is hard to spread, it is necessary to intervene to limit its dispersion. With a good thermal insulation system, the solution is within reach. There are various possibilities to adopt, such as insulating coats – both indoors and outdoors. Or good insulation of walls and ceilings through the use of suitable and ecological materials available on the market. In this way, you will also get the advantage of soundproofing the house at the same time.
The savings
It is necessary to know which type of power supply gives off the most heat and is more convenient. The economic disadvantage of LPG or methane-fueled systems compared to those fueled by pellets or wood is obvious. Also, consider the aesthetic beauty of an old fireplace or why not, even a modern one. Before making your choice, think carefully about your needs. You will have to do the right thing for yourself because you can save time and a lot of money with a good heating system. Also, it is not always possible to easily go back on one’s choices and replace one system with another.
If you have a large budget, do not delay designing underfloor heating. You will derive numerous advantages both economically and efficiently.