Basics of First Aid to Know

First aid is a crucial skill that everyone should have, so keep reading to find out more.

Assessing the Situation

The first step in any emergency is to assess the situation. You’ll need to check for any immediate dangers to yourself or others, and ensure that the area is safe to approach. If there are hazards present, such as fire or traffic, move to a safe location before starting first aid.

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Call for Help

In serious emergencies, it’s essential to call for professional medical assistance immediately. Dial emergency services or instruct someone else to do so while you attend to the injured person – this is something you’ll learn first in any emergency first aid training courses like the ones at

Check for Responsiveness

Approach the person carefully and gently shake their shoulders while asking if they are okay. If there’s no response, check for breathing and pulse. If they’re not breathing or don’t have a pulse, begin CPR immediately if you’re trained to do so.

Control Bleeding

In cases of bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or bandage. Always elevate the injured limb if possible and continue applying pressure until help arrives.

Treat Shock

Shock can occur after a severe injury or trauma. If that’s the case, keep the person warm and comfortable, laying them down with their legs elevated slightly if there are no spinal injuries.

Basic Wound Care

Clean minor wounds with soap and water, then apply an antiseptic and cover with a sterile bandage. For deeper wounds or punctures, seek medical attention to prevent infection.

Splinting Fractures

If you suspect a fracture, immobilise the injured limb by creating a splint using a rigid object such as a stick or rolled-up magazine, along with bandages or cloth. Support the limb above and below the fracture to prevent movement.

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Comfort and Reassurance

During any first aid intervention, it’s essential to provide comfort and reassurance to the injured person.

By familiarising yourself with these basics of first aid, you can be better prepared to handle emergencies and potentially save lives.

News Reporter
Mark Buckingham grew up in a Plumbing and HVAC family business. Mark has over 21 years of professional internet marketing and SEO experience (in results). He’s a leading expert in helping Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical businesses get to the top of Google, boost leads, get more customers and grow their company. As the founder of Skyrocket Results SEO, he's on a mission to help HVAC contractors, Plumbers and Electricians avert internet marketing mistakes, avoid wasted marketing dollars, increase profits and build wealth. His free Plumbing, HVAC and electrical company marketing blog is:

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