How does an LED Light work?

Over the last ten years or so there has been a change in how we illuminate our homes. The traditional high watt bulb has been slowly replaced in favour of a much better, much greener alternative. LEDs (light emitting diode) produce a significant amount of illumination especially when grouped together in a cluster of five or six. You will see this in each spotlight bulb. Not only that, in some models they can change colour to create spectacular room ambience to fit whatever mood you care in. Because they run on an electronic system their brightness can also be regulated so they can flash, twinkle and phase in and out. Even better, with some Downlight Covers you can ensure that any of that heat lost from the lights is sent back into the room and it stops draughts if they are ceiling mounted.

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How does an LED work. We’ll need a bit of science to explain that. First of all an LED is a diode. All diodes emit photons, electromagnetic energy in other words. These photons can take on different aspects. The case of the LED it is light. The LED is also an SSL which means solid state lighting. This relates to the fact that the diode is a solid state and solid matter. This solid matter is a two lead semiconductor.

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These semiconductor’s work together to generate light. They fall into two types: the P and the N type.  N types are negatively charged P types are positively charged as the negative’s move through the positives the energy created makes light.

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Hi, I am Rylee McGlothin; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with decor and design.

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