Plasma spray coating: the advantages and disadvantages

Plasma spray coating has long been used as a means of adding a layer of metal, alloy, plasma polymer composite, or ceramic to the surface of a variety of materials.

The importance of protecting surfaces means that coating treatments are an essential part of the manufacturing process. You can learn more about the potential applications of plasma spray coating at specialist sites such as

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The advantages

There are many advantages to choosing a plasma spray coating for a substrate material.

These include increasing the material’s resistance to corrosion, thereby making the finished product far more durable, with a superb ability to withstand both wear and tear and environmental stresses. Even compared to other methods of coating, plasma polymer composite spray treatments offer better results in this regard, with the substrate being left harder and less porous than via traditional coating techniques.

It is also an excellent method for protecting a wide variety of substrate materials, such as metals, ceramics, and even some plastics.

The spray nature of its application also allows for a good coating on irregularly shaped products.

Furthermore, choosing a plasma spray coating treatment can also be a means of improving the functionality of the finished product. This is because the technique allows for the introduction of useful properties such as electrical conductivity or resistance to heat.

The finished result can be an aesthetic improvement, too, with the option to select colours and finishes as desired.

Perhaps even more importantly, plasma spray coating treatments are also environmentally friendly, as the process does not need to use potentially harmful solvents or chemicals in order to achieve its high-performance results.

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The disadvantages

There are, however, some instances in which a plasma spray coating treatment may not be the right choice for an application. For example, only small items can be coated in this way.

There can also be problems if the person carrying out the treatment is not sufficiently skilled in the process, creating a lack of control over the thickness of the coating, for example.

News Reporter
Mark Buckingham grew up in a Plumbing and HVAC family business. Mark has over 21 years of professional internet marketing and SEO experience (in results). He’s a leading expert in helping Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical businesses get to the top of Google, boost leads, get more customers and grow their company. As the founder of Skyrocket Results SEO, he's on a mission to help HVAC contractors, Plumbers and Electricians avert internet marketing mistakes, avoid wasted marketing dollars, increase profits and build wealth. His free Plumbing, HVAC and electrical company marketing blog is:

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